I am a lecturer at the Wits School of Physics, doing theoretical physics research and teaching undergraduate physics courses.

I work in theoretical high-energy nuclear and particle physics. My research concerns various aspects of the physics of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP).

On the one hand, I’m fascinated by the QGP at its highest temperatures. I’m particularly curious about how a highly energetic particle loses energy as it traverses the QGP and what we might learn about the QGP from such messengers.

On the other hand, the QGP is also compelling at high densities. It might be true that some form of QGP exists in the centres of neutron stars, but I’m excited by the prospect that we could learn about this exotic matter from experiments right here on earth.

I am also passionate about increasing diversity in theoretical physics. I conceived of a seminar series, hosted by the INT and created in collaboration with several excellent people, that highlights the work of young researchers from all around the world, called the Rising Researchers Seminar Series.

Education and Experience

2023 – presentLecturer at the Wits School of Physics.
2022 – 2023Postdoctoral Research Associate, Galician Institute for High Energy Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela
Postdoctoral Research Associate,
Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington
2019Ph. D. (University of Cape Town), Advisor: W. A. Horowitz

pQCD energy loss and thermal field theory in small systems
2016MSc. (Cum Laude) (University of Cape Town), Advisor: W. A. Horowitz

Short path-length pQCD corrections to energy-loss in the quark gluon plasma
2015BSc. (Hons) (University of Pretoria)